The Quasi-Regular Review of News, Opinions, and the Biggest Shower Nozzles in the World. (If "Shower Nozzle" eludes you, think French.)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday Night in Fun City!!!

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Ted Rall on CEO Pay:

The entire Caucasus region is sort of a political disaster, as we all pretty much remember from Chechnya, Georgia, etc. Armenia, Georgia’s eastern neighbor and also a former part of the Soviet Union, is no exception. It has seen tensions with its neighbor, Azerbaijan, over disputed territories. There is still international tension, particularly with Turkey and business interests in the UK and US over the Armenian Genocide of the early 20th Century. One story that hasn’t gotten much press, at least in the US, is the ongoing political struggle between the ruling party and the opposition that claims rigged elections. It’s a familiar story, with sad consequences. Get these people some Guy Fawkes masks!!!!

(Seriously, if we got the Crimeans, the Chechens, the Armenians, the South Ossetians, and the Abkazians to pool all of their resources together with all the other groups that I’m forgetting at the moment, they could raise some serious heck. Don’t know what they could accomplish with all that heck, but it would be bizarre to watch.)

It’s coming back… Vegas, baby!!!!!

Intellectual arms? My mouth already has a mind of its own, I don’t want my arms thinking for themselves too… Oh, I see… like smart bombs and stuff. Well, I’m not getting too excited, these are people who think that Stalin was a great leader.

Okay, so Obama isn’t as much of a sneaky bastard as W was, which we all knew going into this thing. But as many people have said, you still gotta watch this guy…. And yes, those of us who voted for him are generally being harder on him than those who didn’t, but that’s our job.

Would someone PLEASE make Joe the Plumber go away? Seriouly.

Okay, it's time for bath and bed. G'nite all!

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