The Quasi-Regular Review of News, Opinions, and the Biggest Shower Nozzles in the World. (If "Shower Nozzle" eludes you, think French.)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday Night in Fun City!!!

funny pictures of dogs with captions
see more puppies

Ted Rall on CEO Pay:

The entire Caucasus region is sort of a political disaster, as we all pretty much remember from Chechnya, Georgia, etc. Armenia, Georgia’s eastern neighbor and also a former part of the Soviet Union, is no exception. It has seen tensions with its neighbor, Azerbaijan, over disputed territories. There is still international tension, particularly with Turkey and business interests in the UK and US over the Armenian Genocide of the early 20th Century. One story that hasn’t gotten much press, at least in the US, is the ongoing political struggle between the ruling party and the opposition that claims rigged elections. It’s a familiar story, with sad consequences. Get these people some Guy Fawkes masks!!!!

(Seriously, if we got the Crimeans, the Chechens, the Armenians, the South Ossetians, and the Abkazians to pool all of their resources together with all the other groups that I’m forgetting at the moment, they could raise some serious heck. Don’t know what they could accomplish with all that heck, but it would be bizarre to watch.)

It’s coming back… Vegas, baby!!!!!

Intellectual arms? My mouth already has a mind of its own, I don’t want my arms thinking for themselves too… Oh, I see… like smart bombs and stuff. Well, I’m not getting too excited, these are people who think that Stalin was a great leader.

Okay, so Obama isn’t as much of a sneaky bastard as W was, which we all knew going into this thing. But as many people have said, you still gotta watch this guy…. And yes, those of us who voted for him are generally being harder on him than those who didn’t, but that’s our job.

Would someone PLEASE make Joe the Plumber go away? Seriouly.

Okay, it's time for bath and bed. G'nite all!

Be Careful When You Joke Around!!!

Rabbis rule joking teens legally married

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – An Israeli girl has become a divorcee at the age of 14.

It all began as a lark, in a schoolyard where a 17-year-old boy recently declared the girl his wife, reciting a Jewish ritual vow in front of witnesses, and she accepted his ring.

That, and what a spokeswoman for Israel's Rabbinical Courts said was the consummation of their marriage, was enough to make them man and wife in the Jewish state.

Spokeswoman Efrat Orbach, describing the girl as the youngest Jewish divorcee in Israel's modern history, said the couple was granted a rabbinical divorce this week.

Under Israeli criminal law, sexual relations with a 14-year-old girl are not illegal as long as her male partner is no more than three years her senior.

(Writing by Allyn Fisher-Ilan, Editing by Paul Casciato)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fark of the Day

Ninjas vs. Pirates. It's about to get real. Don't tell Emma.

courtesy of

Day Off!

So, I took today off. Not because it's Ash Wednesday, or the day after the Non-State of the Union State of the Union Address. No, we shut down for one week in November and two weeks in December over at SV Probe (I did not have an anal probe!!!) and those of us who worked during the shut down (like, oh, the entire accounting department) still have to take all that time off. Which is fun to schedule when your department is low on people.

First things first... Stephen Page (aka the dip shit who got busted for drugs last year) is leaving as the lead singer of Barenaked Ladies to pursue a solo career. The rest of the band is staying together. Dude, band has been together how long? Early nomination for shower nozzle of the day.

Back (briefly) to last night's oratorical fireworks...

On President Obama:

Sen. John McCain told a CBS Web cast: “The president gave a very effective speech. I think it was a balance between the size and enormity of the challenges we face, but also an expression of hope and confidence that America will get through this. And I think his delivery and the theme of his speech was excellent.” Wait, that’s MY Sen. John McCain? Where’s the pod?

I'd like to point your attention to this roundup of comments on Bobby Jindal's Republican Response. I thought it was lacking, but apparently I was being polite. DAMN!!!!

Jon Swift’s admiration of the Jindal speech here. (And I know that you all are smart enough to figure out that it’s satire, unlike a few idiots who have been known to stumble across this blog. As if the moniker Jon Swift wasn’t enough to give that one away.) And no, I’m not nominating poor Bobby for shower nozzle of the day, I think he’s been dumped on enough for one week.

Bill Maher on the Economic Meltdown. Cute.

This is freaking cool, it’s a look at the internet back in 1996. I feel so OLD!!!!! I remember being dutifully signed up for each and every one of these services as they became available by John, my ever more knowledgeable and tech-savvy older bro…

The ongoing Bill Moyers debacle. 1960s American history is not even remotely my forte, so I will not even claim to have any knowledge or opinion on this matter. However, the fact that this conversation is even happening at all is a sad insight into our political and media world in America.

Not going to link to it or anything, but had to comment. Although he’s not my favorite person in the world, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell is taking a 20% pay cut due to the economy. Now about those players……

The New Six Word Motto for the US, as proposed by the Freakonomics blog:

1. Consumption’s the Cure That Ails Us.
2. We Will Get It Right, Eventually.
3. We Are Too Big to Fail.
4. The Streets Are Paved With CASH4GOLD.COM.
5. Learn to Live Within Your Means.
6. Wow, Can You Believe This Place?

Full story at:

This is great. Enter a photo of yourself and they’ll devolve you to an earlier hominid. I love the Brits…. (Disclaimer: not for use by those who do not believe in de-evolution, for those who are taking beta blockers, for anyone who is pregnant or may become pregnant. Offer void in Utah. OAC.)

Axis of Justice webpage has been retooled. They even claim that their radio broadcasts will eventually resume (although probably not until after Serj returns from New Zealand and they both stop touring for a bit, methinks.) Anyway, although I’m too cheap to send money, it’s a cause I support and recommend that you check out, and not just cause I’m a fan of the music.

That’s all for now. I’m not done, I’m sure, but this is getting kind of long.

Top Eleven

Top 11 Oscar Award Categories Geeks Would Like to See

11. Most Realistic Use of a Computer/PDA/Smartphone or Other Gadget
10. Most Faithful-to-Physics Action Film
9. Least Worst Video Game Adaptation to Film
8. Best Actor/Actress to Show up at Comic-Con
7. Best Portrayal of a Robot in a Non-Comedic Role
6. Most Lasers
5. Least Offensive Portrayal of a Geek
4. Best Adapted Screenplay from a Sci-fi novel, Comic Book or Graphic Novel
3. Best Performance by an Actor Who Everybody Knows Is an Alien in a Supporting Role
2. Least Obvious Product Placement of a Mac
1. Quickest Release to Bittorrent

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Comic Roundup



Over the Hedge

Over the Hedge

Cheezburger Network

fail owned pwned pictures
see more pwn and owned pictures/>

funny pictures of dogs with captions
see more puppies

An Explanation

Okay, so this started because I was emailing WAY too many things in a day to people and I was getting complaints about flooding inboxes. So, I thought I would consolidate my massive emails into one email. Simple, no? Well, gmail didn't take too kindly to that... I think I overloaded the circuits or something. I had to take the email that I had been putting together and dump it into a blog post. I also had to take out all of the images, as I had simply pasted them into my trusty ol' Thunderbird prog without actually saving them to the hard drive, and ye old Blogger was not liking that either. Besides, I had come to the realization that, if an email takes two days to compose, what's the point?

So I'm back to blogging, albeit at a new addy, as the old mutantkat blog was done before I had a google account, and google isn't keen on letting me access it now. So if you want to see the old stuff, it's over at

This will likely be less of a blog and more of a dumping ground for news stories and fun stuff that I want to share, but I may comment occasionally. I don't have time to commit to a full on "blog" so don't expect much.

I also really hate blog labels, so don't expect rhyme or reason there.

Weekend Roundup

Thoughts on this weekend....

First of all, thank goodness the Oscars are tonight, I'm sick to death of hearing about them. I don't care who wins, but I highly doubt that Hugh Jackman will really be drunk and naked as advertised...

Rick Santelli wins my now weekly award for Shower Nozzle of the Week. Link below in all the news junk at the bottom, but you know you're in in shower nozzle territory if you're getting called out by Robert Gibbs. Obama doesn't usually allow for those sorts of games to be played on his turf. (If you need the Shower Nozzle back story, let me know.)

Emma was sick, so I didn't see Nicole. I want to make a quasi-weekly Emma story of the week feature, so maybe when she's feeling better. I'll try to con Nicole into getting Emma to tell her Ninja joke on a web came so I can share that.

Do yourself a favor. In the wake of last year's election, rent "Head of State" starring Chris Rock and Bernie Mac. Oddly prophetic in many ways.

And now, for the funny and weird....

Fark of the Day

Dumbasses are us:

Part 2 - Red light cameras in action:

In Other News....

Anti-Arpaio rally next weekend. I plan to be there to show my outrage at the worst sheriff in the west. (And I'm kind of hoping Zack can talk Tom into making an appearance :-)

Can't wait for this. My budget will so swing on this $13 a week. Is this spare change we can believe in?

Nice slam on the Golden State... As goes California, so goes much of the US, so keep an eye on it.

The hypocrisy of America, Marijuana, and Celibrity...

If you have the stomach for it...

Apparently, the unemployment problem is hitting even former W appointees. Who woulda thunk it?

Opinion piece on the GOP...

Will the insanity ever end? The quest to destroy Michele Bachmann.

Terry Jones is getting odd in his old age...

Rick Santelli, Shower Nozzle Award Recipient...

And last, but definitely not least.... Fox News is officially off its rocker. Seriously. You have got to see this to believe it.