The Quasi-Regular Review of News, Opinions, and the Biggest Shower Nozzles in the World. (If "Shower Nozzle" eludes you, think French.)

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Stupid, It Hurts....

Ok, so I know that I shouldn't pick on the intellectually challenged... but I loaned my copy of V for Vendetta to a guy down the street several days ago because he said he wanted a movie that had a message.  He called yesterday and asked if he could keep it awhile longer - no problem just don't call before noon, seriously.  He ran into Mom at the Post Office today.  He loved it, but has had to watch it several times because he still doesn't quite get it.  

Speaking of stupid, Jan Brewer is a hot topic at Politico.  Whimper.

Also this:  Sarah Palin: Newt Gingrich's secret weapon

Remember kids... stupid is as stupid does.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What is a dazzling urbanite like you doing in a rustic setting like this

This will be my first post in a very very long time this will also be my first post ever dictated to my iPhone for ass will see how badly Siri fucks this up

Apparently the iPhone does not do punctuation and could potentially be problematic as I hate editing but we shall see how this goes

This won't be long as it is past midnight and I really shouldn't be making this much noise postglacial see what is to come in the days ahead

Post glacial? really Siri really?

I weep for the future of technology